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School of CSE Seminar Series: Guy Lebanon

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Speaker: Guy Lebanon, engineering director at Google
Date and Time: March 14, 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Location: Coda Building, Room 230
Host: Anqi Wu

Title: Deep Learning and LLMs: An Engine of Automation in Art, Commerce, and Trust and Safety

Abstract: The talk will begin with a survey of three recent DL and LLM projects at Netflix, Amazon, and Google. The common thread across the three projects is human level automation using large data, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and subject matter knowledge and customization. The second part of the talk will focus on the interplay of industry and academia in the age of LLMs and some thoughts on AI technology in education, and in augmenting the work of future scientists and engineers.

Bio: Guy Lebanon is a director at Google where he works on ensuring the security, privacy, trust, and safety of mobile apps on Android, the world's most popular operating system. Previously, he led search quality at Amazon as a director of engineering, and earlier he was a director at Netflix and a tenured professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Guy published several books and over 70 refereed articles and received a Ph.D. in machine learning from Carnegie Mellon University. He chaired the 2015 AI & Statistics conference and the 2012 ACM CIKM conference and was action editor of the Journal of Machine Learning Research during 2013-2018. He won first place in the PASCAL image segmentation competition three times, and received an NSF CAREER Award, the WWW best student paper award, the ICML best paper runner-up award, the Yahoo Faculty Research and Engagement Award, and is a Siebel Scholar.